Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Today the class watched Part 3 of Guns, Germs, and Steel.  Students took notes and will be required to answer critical thinking questions as they go along.   After the video ended students wrote about if they agree or disagree with the theories presented.

Students who were absent for any part of the video may be able to find it online, or the PBS, Guns, Germs, and Steel website has much of the information that they can use to complete the notes/worksheet.

Homework: Imperialism Case Study (Due Tuesday Dec. 2)

Monday, November 24, 2014

Students discussed the African timelines that they created last week and what time periods we will be covering in this unit.  Finally the class went over the homework The Scramble for Africa.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Today the class watched Part 2 of Guns, Germs, and Steel.  Students again took notes and will be required to answer critical thinking questions as they go along.

Students who were absent for any part of the video may be able to find it online, or the PBS, Guns, Germs, and Steel website has much of the information that they can use to complete the notes/worksheet.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Students had time at the beginning of the period to finish their timelines of African history (started on Monday).

Next the class watched Part 1 of Guns, Germs, and Steel, A National Geographic documentary about the roots of inequality, focusing on colonialism and conquest.  Students took notes and will be required to answer critical thinking questions as they go along.

Students who were absent for any part of the video may be able to find it online, or the PBS, Guns, Germs, and Steel website has much of the information that they can use to complete the notes/worksheet.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Today the class worked in small groups to create timelines of selected periods in African history.  This activity is designed to introduce students to our new unit: Colonial Africa.  Students matched events with maps and titles, then shaded in the length of time that the period lasted.  In this class we will not focus on all of African history, but we will be learning about the European colonization of Africa and about the independence movements and current events resulting from these periods in history.

See me in tutorial to make-up the timeline.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today students took the test over industrialization and nationalism (as well as other major changes in 1800s Europe).  They also turned in their logbooks for the second check of the year.

Logbook Check #2:
Finally we discussed how students voted in our mock elections compared to the actual outcome in Oregon.

Cascadia Academy Oregon Election Results

·         John Kitzhaber                     79%
·         Dennis Richardson             9%
·         Aaron Auer                           9%
·         Others                                    3%

US Representative:
·         Earl Blumenauer                 76%
·         James Buchal                      11%
·         Others                                    10%

US Senator:
·         Jeff Merkley                          84%
·         Monica Wehby                     9%
·         Others                                    6%

 *Note that all winning candidates were re-elected by Oregonians, though not by nearly as big of a margin as they were by Cascadians. 

Measure 86 (Financial aid for students):
·         Yes     84%
·         No       16%
*Oregon votes did not approve

Measure 87 (State judges working in gov.):
·         Yes     83%
·         No       17%
 *Oregon voters also approved

Measure 88 (Driver ID cards for immigrants):
·         Yes     69%
·         No       31%
 *Oregon votes did not approve

Measure 89 (Equal Rights Amendment):
·         Yes     95%
·         No       5%
  *Oregon voters also approved

Measure 90 (Top 2 primaries):
·         Yes     56%
·         No       44%
 *Oregon votes did not approve

Measure 91 (Legalization of marijuana):
·         Yes     58%
·         No       42%
  *Oregon voters also approved

Measure 92 (GMO labeling):
·         Yes     84%

·         No       16%
*Oregon votes did not approve

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Today students saw multiple examples of art in the 1800s (during the period of industrialization).  They compared the 4 styles that we learned about in Music, literature, and painting as they completed a worksheet.

If you can find the pieces of art from that worksheet, it can be done on your own.  Otherwise please see me in tutorial to be given the artwork.

Don't forget: Test and Logbook Check on Thursday!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Today students went over the homework (Revolutions in the Arts) and we began a discussion about the changing periods of art history.

Students also worked on and took home the Industrialization and Nationalism Crossword Puzzle to help students prepare and study for the test on Thursday.