Thursday, April 30, 2015

Today the class went over the homework (China Reform and Reaction) and we discussed whether or not the USA should have a close relationship with China.  The class looked at 4 options for US-China relations and then were given a homework assignment asking students to develop their own option based on their beliefs and values on foreign policy.  Please see me to get this assignment if you missed class.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Today students watched and discussed the Frontline documentary The Secret State of North Korea. Students took notes and wrote their opinions.  This video is free to watch online.  Students who missed class should watch it on their own time.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Today students read textbook excerpts from North and South Korea and had to guess which belonged to each country.  Follow the above link for the assignment and documents. We also discussed how isolated North Korea is from the rest of the world.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Today we reviewed the homework (Wars in Korea and Vietnam) and we continued to learn about hot spots in the Cold War by making a map and timeline of the hot spots in Asia.  Students worked in pairs. Please come to tutorial to make up this work if you were absent.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Students completed a document assignment about the Cultural Revolution in China, specifically asking why it was young people who got involved. Follow the link above for both the questions and the documents.

2nd period went to the class-cabinet election speeches, while periods 1 and 3 discussed the changes in US policy toward Cuba, and how Cuba fits into the Cold War.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Students went over the homework (Communists Take Power in China) then read, and answered three questions, about either Mao or Jiang.

Homework: Wars in Korea andVietnam

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The class reviewed the 7 events from Tuesday by completing a Quotes assignment (matching quotes to events). Students also watched a Crash Course video about the Chinese revolutions.

Next students compared Chinese art from before and after the fall of Dynastic China. See me for both these assignments.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Students were assigned one of 7 events in modern Chinese history to read about and report on in class.  Through the magic of google docs each group simultaneously edited one slide in a powerpoint and shared it with the class as they took notes on all 7 events.  These will each be events that we learn more details about in coming classes.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Today students were introduced to the next unit they will be learning about in Modern World History: Modern China.  They also completed a shot document question about the invasion of Nanjing during the start of WWII and were reminded about methods for finding trustworthy sources. See me if you need to make up this assignment.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Today students took the test over the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and completed Logbook Check #6:

Logbook Check #6

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Today students continued discussing the current relationship between the USA and Russia (or Russia and the rest of the world).

Students watched Putin's Way a Frontline documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin and took notes on a worksheet.

Finally, students received the Crossword Puzzle study guide for Thursday's test.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Today students continued to learn about current events in Ukraine by watching the short Frontline documentary The Battle for Ukraine.  As they watched students took notes about the 2 sides (those fighting for Ukraine and the Pro-Russian Separatists).

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Today students continued their investigation into the end of the Cold War by going over the homework (The Cold War Thaws) and then discussing the current state of former Soviet states.

We read an article about the issues dividing Ukraine.  Next we looked at political cartoons and current events from this region.