Thursday, February 26, 2015

Today students finished their work on the Holocaust and went over the homework (The Allied Victory) discussing the end off WWII in both Europe and the Pacific.

We also discussed and wrote our opinions on the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan.  See me for a copy of this assignment.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Students deepened their understanding of the Holocaust by reading about both its stages and resistance to it.  If you missed this class period, you will need to attend tutorial to make up the assignment.

Homework: The Allied Victory

Monday, February 23, 2015

Students went over the homework (The Holocaust) and received the project for this unit.  Students need to watch a film about WWII and answer 6 questions.  See me if you have questions.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The class discussed the homework (Japan's Pacific Campaign) and did a timeline assignment about the war in the Pacific.  Next, students looked at pictures of WWII and answered questions in their logbooks.

Homework: The Holocaust

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The class discussed propaganda and completed a worksheet by looking at multiple examples of Allied propaganda posters from WWII.

Homework: Japan's Pacific Campaign

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The class discussed the homework (Hitler's Lightning War) and looked at Dr. Seuss Political Cartoons about the early days of the war.  If you missed class please find political cartoons from WWII and write the following (for each) in your logbook:

What do you see? Describe the cartoon
What does it mean?  What is your interpretation?
What do you think the author’s intent is?  How does the author feel about the event/issue?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Students worked in groups to represent countries effected by Nazi aggression and did an activity predicting responses to WWII events.  If you missed this day please complete the following make-up assignments (part 1, and part 2).

Homework: Hitler's Lightning War

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today we continued looking at events that led up to WWII.  We started by discussing the homework (Fascism Rises in Europe) and going over the popularity and consequences of fascist (and Nazi) movements.

Next students completed a document assignment on Nazi propaganda, looking at 3 documents connected to the first aggressive territorial grab that Hitler made (annexing Austria).

Homework: Aggressors Invade Nations

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today the class discussed the way that WWI ended and set in motion events that would cause WWII.

The class read about life in Germany between the world wars, in the 1920s-30s, ending with the rise of Hitler.  If you missed this lesson, the reading and questions can be done on your own.

Homework: Fascism Rises in Europe